The Conversion of Land Reference Numbers in Nairobi

Pursuant to the Land Registration Act, 2012 (“the LRA”) and the Land Registration (Registration Units) Order, 2017, the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning (“the Ministry”) has begun the process of conversion of various Land Reference Numbers in order to consolidate the land registration regimes in the repealed legislations to create one amalgamated registration process and curtail fraud and delays in delivery of services.

A special issue of the Kenya Gazette published on the 31st of December 2020 announced the conversion of various parcels of land in Nairobi. This shall affect land owners and parties with an interest in the Land Reference Numbers that are listed. A copy of the Gazette can be accessed at http://kenyalaw.org/kenya_gazette/gazette/volume/MjI2OA–/Vol.CXXII-No.242/. We advise those who are affected to take the following steps:

  1. Take note of the old and new registration numbers and ensure that the corresponding acreage details of the affected parcel are correct;
  2. Inspect the cadastral maps of the land; and
  3. Once the Ministry invites registered owners to apply for replacement of title documents, registered owners should apply for the same and surrender their title documents under the old repealed regime in order to receive their new title under the LRA.

If there are any inconsistencies in the details of the old Land Reference Numbers and new Parcel Numbers, interested parties may lodge a complaint with the Registrar of Lands, and pending its resolution, register a caution on the affected land.

Please note that all documents pertaining to the parcels specified in the Gazette shall be transferred and maintained in the new registration units on the 1st of April 2021 (“the commencement date”). We therefore advise all interested parties to inspect the details in the Gazette and in the case of grievances, take all necessary action before the commencement date.

Igeria & Ngugi Advocates are ready and willing to provide further assistance to any interested party relating to the steps detailed above and the entire conversion of title process.

For any further queries, please send an email to

conveyancing@attorneysafrica.com or benson.ngugi@attorneysafrica.com.

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