Spear Phishing is a targeted attempt to steal sensitive information, typically focusing on a specific individual or organization. These types of attack use personalized facts in order to appear legitimate. Generally, cybercriminals turn to social media and company sites to research their victims.
Vishing is a phone scam, and has the most human interaction of all the phishing attacks. The fraudsters deceive victims by creating a sense of urgency to divulge sensitive information. Calls are often made through a spoofed ID, so it looks like a trustworthy source.
A Whaling attack is an attempt to steal sensitive information from senior-level management. Whaling emails contain highly personalized information about the target or organization, so they are more difficult to detect.
Smishing is a type of phishing that uses text (SMS) messages, as opposed to emails, to target victims. Fraudsters send a text message to an individual, usually calling for the individual to act.
In Clone Phishing, a legitimate and previously delivered email message is used to create an identical email with malicious content. The cloned email will appear to come from the original sender and will contain malicious links or attachments.